Monday, January 31, 2011

Back in the Blogosphere

Not that we were ever out, really. Just dormant for about a year. And, I am a day late now. That is, Bethanie and I shook on posting on our blogs on Sunday, and it is Monday. So, in efforts to redeem myself for the lateness, I am going to give a catch up on the whole year! Which, just to preface, has been fantastic. So instead of really elaborating on that and making this blog infinitely long, I will just say that Nic and I are really settling into our happy newlywed life here in Utah, traveling a lot, and just enjoying each other :) Here is a little picture history of our year:

Christmas 2009 - Our first Christmas tree! We bought it all wrapped tight with string and just took a gamble on how it looked when it was unwrapped and puffed out--we were so lucky!

Then things got pretty busy with work and school, and there was not much to report until--Nic's graduation from BYU (following which, he accepted an offer of employment with Western Governors University as and Editor, where he still currently works)!

To celebrate his graduation (and end of another tax busy season), we went to Hawaii!! Just a few from the trip:

(at the Polynesian cultural center--I got a headress for dancing the hula :)


Hike to some beautiful waterfalls (we actually spied one of the cages they use in "Lost" in the rainforest where we hiked)

We had an amazing summer--after Hawaii followed a series of small weekend trips to visit our families, and friends, in various areas of the country (thank you, SkyWest):

NYC--We met up with my friend Michelle, who lives in Boston, to visit the city:

At a Yankee game!

At the top of the Rock

Time Square :)

Then, we visited several of our friends living in DC, for the 4th of July:

At my favorite part of the WWII memorial :) For some reason, we didn't take too many pictures here--we were just having too much fun with our friends!

Redwood Forest with Nic's fam:

Also during the summer, Nic ran the Ragnar Relay (12 man relay from Logan to Park City) with people from my work:

Once fall hit, work got busy again, but we still had time to squeeze in a couple trips:

Visiting Nic's brother's family in Nebraska. We went to this amazing Halloween village/pumpkin patch!

Then in November, we met up with some good friends of ours in London, where they were just wrapping up a business trip. I love that city...

Clearly, happy to be there, at the Tower of London. And so is Joey.

Haha, this picture makes me laugh. But, gives a nice view of the bridge in the background.

Westminster Abbey. And, I do realize that I looked like an old woman with the scarf wrapped around my head, but really--London in November? COLD!!

After November followed some amazing and relaxing holidays with our families. But, I don't think I got any pictures then, so I will bring this already lengthy post to a close. I am finally caught up!!