Friday, June 18, 2010

Catch up

Nine months we are again! I guess it was silly of me to try to start a blog before the holidays and then tax busy season hit, but ah well. So, just a quick blurb about what we have been up to the last nine months and then I'll get to the more interesting parts--the pics.

Life is wonderful! Since I last posted, I got through another long busy season, Nic graduated with his bachelor's from BYU, and then we celebrated! We went to Hawaii for some much needed relaxing, and then back to Utah and the beginning of a busy summer. Between work and job hunting during the week (for Nic--I'm still happy at EY), we've been so lucky to travel here and there during the weekends to visit friends and family (courtesy of Sky West). So, that brings us to now. Currently, Nic is out running in the Ragnar Wasatch Back with my tax group (a two day, 188 mile relay with a 12 person team), so here I sit blogging. I so admire his exercise and running talents--they are just something I've never had:) But, I am going to try. I'm just not up for a 15 mile run anytime soon.

So now to the pics. We have a lot that I haven't shared yet, from the wedding, honeymoon, and our other various excursions, so I am not going to post them all at once. Also, I've lately discovered, through tips from friends, some online photo editing software that I'm having lots of fun experimenting with, so you get to be my guinea pigs and see what I come up with. This time I'll be posting some wedding photos, but there will be more to come.

The happy couple, just married!

We're in love:)

And we show it!


Mostly I just had fun with this b/c it's like a movie poster.

In front of the lovely Nauvoo temple.